
Neurology is the medical specialty dealing with disorders of the nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. We provide a specialist service for people with neurological conditions, including diagnosis, treatment and support.






The neurology team includes the following members:

Consultant Neurologists
Prof Carl Clarke
Dr David Nicholl
Dr Arul Sivaguru
Dr Steve Sturman

Associate Specialist in Neurology
Dr Jawed Ismail

Clinical Nurse Specialists
Ms Dawn Brookfield (multiple sclerosis)
Ms Julie Edwards (headache disorders)
Ms Sally Thompson (multiple sclerosis)

Clinician Specialist
Ms Stephanie Maw (multiple sclerosis)

Consultant Specialist in Neuro-Physiotherapy
Mr Peter Harding


The neurology team sees patients who have been admitted through our Accident & Emergency department with neurological conditions (or suspected conditions) and those who have been referred to us by their GP.

We offer a range of tests to diagnose neurological conditions including MRI scans, CT scans and neurophysiological tests such as brain wave studies (available 24 hours a day), tests on the nerves and muscles and tests of nerve responses. We also have 24 hour access to the neuroscience facilities at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for emergency diagnosis and can refer patients there for neurosurgery.

We offer a comprehensive specialist service for people with epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, movement disorders, parkinson’s disease, visual problems related to neurological conditions, chronic headaches, tremor, brain injury and stroke, which includes diagnosis, treatment, support and rehabilitation where appropriate.

Our team deliver high quality care and seek to give all of our patients the best possible treatment.

Patient Stories

Please feel free to share your experiences of this service. Please e-mail your views to

Patient Information

Patient information leaflets
Essential tremor
Lumbar puncture 
Multiple Sclerosis specialist nurse service

Useful websites
For more information about some of the conditions we treat please see the links below:

Epilepsy Action

Migraine Action

Multiple Sclerosis Society

Multiple Sclerosis Trust

Parkinson’s UK

The Stroke Association


If you have any questions or concerns about your condition or treatment please contact your consultant’s secretary by calling the hospital switchboard and asking for them (Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm).

Hospital Switchboard: 0121 554 3801

Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Nurse Specialists
0121 507 6647
Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm

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